b'If you wish to see the report in advance,conditions, and you are unable to attend work we will let you know when weve written to theor have attended but will be significantly late, GP/health professional. They will also be notifiedyou must let your manager know as soonthat you wish to see the report. You then haveas possible.21 days to contact the GP/health professional to arrange that. Should you indicate that you doPlease do your best to anticipate not wish to see the report before us, you still haveproblems getting into work and, if possible, the right to write to the GP/health professional ifmake arrangements with your manager the the report has not been provided to the companyday before to work from home.and you have 21 days to contact the GP/health professional regarding arrangements to seeWe are under no obligation to pay you if the report. you do not attend work and if you are found to be abusing these guidelines your pay will be You have the right to ask the GP/healthwithheld and disciplinary action may be taken.professional for a copy of the report for up to 6 months after it has been supplied. There may be a charge for this.Alcohol and drugsYou can ask the GP/health professional to amend any part of the report which you considerThe use of alcohol or drugs (including but to be incorrect or misleading. If the GP/healthnot limited to any banned substance) at the professional is not in agreement, you may attachworkplace and/or during working hours is strictly a statement of your views with the report.prohibited, other than prescription medication which your medical practitioner has confirmed If the GP/health professional thinks that youwill not affect your ability to work safely.or others would be harmed by the report, or any If your performance or attendance is affectedpart of the report, it can be withheld from you.as a result of alcohol or drugs, or we believe you have been involved in a drug related offence, No decision will be made that could affect youryou may be subject to disciplinary action employment without careful consideration of allwhich could lead to your dismissal.the circumstances. If we wish to obtain a medical report, you willAppointmentsbe asked for your written consent. Should you withhold such consent, the company will take a decision regarding your continuing employmentPlease ensure that appointments to visit the GP, without the benefit of medical opinion. dentist, hospital, etc. are made outside normal working hours. Where this is not reasonably practical, we will Adverse weather give you time off and may ask to see an appointment card. You should make every effort to get to work if practical but we will never ask you to put safetyIf you can, try to make appointments in work time at risk in adverse weather conditions. at the beginning of the day, the end of the day or around lunchtime to minimise disruption.If police advise that roads and public transport should be avoided due to severe weather 10'