b'Who has access to data? For how long do we keep data?Your information may be shared internally,We will hold your personal data for the duration including finance (for expenses), your lineof your employment. After the end of employment, manager, managers in the business area inwe hold data for 6 years and 4 months.which you work and IT staff if access to the data is necessary for performance of their roles.Your rightsInformation is also shared externally with our payroll processing team and accounts team forAs a data subject, your rights include:payroll and expenses.Access to your data and a copy providedECDC can share your data with third parties on request to obtain pre-employment references from other employers, seek HR and/or legal advice, obtainAsking us to change incorrect oremployment background checks from third partyincomplete data providers and obtain necessary criminal records checks from the Disclosure and Barring Service.Asking us to delete or stop processingyour data, for example where the dataECDC may also share your data with third is no longer necessary for the purposesparties in the context of a sale of some or all of of processing its business. In those circumstances, the datawill be subject to confidentiality arrangements. Objecting to the processing of yourdata where we are relying on its legitimateECDC can also share your data withinterests as the legal ground for processingthird parties that process data on its behalf, for example, payroll or benefits providers.If you would like to exercise anyof these rights, please contactWe will not transfer your data to countriesdpo@theearlscourtdevelopmentcompany.comoutside the European Economic Area.If you believe that we have not complied with How does ECDC protect data? your data protection rights, you can complain to the Information Commissioner.We take the security of your data seriously. What if you do not provide personal data?We have internal policies and controls in place to try to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentallyUnder your employment contract, you must destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is notprovide us with data. accessed except by our employees at work.In particular, you are required to reportWhere we engage third parties to processabsences from work and may be required to personal data on our behalf, they do so on theprovide information about disciplinary or other basis of written instructions, are under a duty ofmatters under the implied duty of good faith. confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and ECDC measures to ensure the security of data.18'