b'We regard direct or indirect discrimination,Expenses claim formvictimisation, harassment and bullying on any of the grounds above as a serious matter. Please use the expenses claim form for all claims. You can get a copy from the ECDC Finance This also covers discrimination by associationDirector. Substitute or alternative forms will not (e.g. where an employee is discriminated againstbe accepted. A separate form should be used for because they care for a disabled person) oreach month.by perception (e.g. where an employee is discriminated against because it is perceived thatInclude the following details on all claims:they are gay when actually they are not).NameIf you display such behaviour, you will be subjectDate the expense was incurredto our disciplinary procedure. These actsFull description of the expense and the reason constitute gross misconduct and will result infor claiming the expensesummary dismissal in the absence of mitigatingVAT receipt/invoice providedcircumstances.Further details may be required, depending on If you believe that you have been treated contrarythe type of expense incurred.to our ED&I policy, you should pursue your complaint through the grievance procedure.Eye testsExpenses If using display screen equipment is a significant part of your work, and if you feel you need an Claiming expenses eye test, you can claim a refund for the cost of your test and a small contribution to the cost of You may only claim for expenses where you haveany glasses you may be prescribed if they are for incurred a cost that was wholly and necessarycomputer work only.for you to carry out your duties of employment.You must provide full details of the expense on the expenses claim form and receipts must beFlexible working attached. Failure to provide a receipt may result in your claim being rejected. Claims for expenses incurred more than 3 months ago will notNot to be confused with hybrid working, this is be reimbursed. a legal right to request to work flexibly.You are responsible for taking due care whenThere is not an automatic right to work flexibly claiming expenses to ensure that your claims areas there will always be circumstances when it is accurate and valid. not possible to accommodate your desired work pattern. However, the aim of this is to facilitate Authorisation procedure discussion and consideration. All expense claims must be checked andMore information can be found at -approved in accordance with normal companyhttps://www.gov.uk/flexible-workingprocedures. They will be approved and authorised by your manager and the ECDC Finance Director, and will be paid by credit transfer monthly, in arrears.27'