b'A birth mother must take at least two weeks Shared Parental Leave and Paymaternity leave following the birth of a child(SPL and ShPP) (four weeks if you are employed to do manual work in a factory environment) (CML) but can SPL is available to all eligible parents of babiesotherwise choose to end her maternity leave at due, or children placed for adoption. It providesany stage.An adopter can end their adoption both parents with the opportunity to consider theleave once they have taken it for two weeks.best arrangement to care for their child during the childs first year. It aims to provide greater flexibilityEligibility criteriaand to allow both parents to share in the care of a new-born or a child newly placed for adoptionYou can obtain further information on your during the childs first 12 months. This flexibilitystatutory right to shared parental leave and pay means that both parents can be off at the same including eligibility, what you need to do, etc. time or alternate their leave allowing either parent and should refer to the government website at:to return to work for periods in between blocks of leave. It is even possible for just one parent tohttps://www.gov.uk/shared-parental-leave-and-payuse the SPL, provided both parents are eligible, in order to take advantage of the greater flexibilityThese websites are continually updated by the it offers. Government in line with any changes in legislation and we are committed to following their guidance The amount of leave available is calculated usingon the aspects of leave and pay for all family the mothers entitlement to maternity/adoptionfriendly procedures. leave, which allows them to take up to 52 weeks leave. If they reduce their maternity/adoption leaveShared Parental Leave in Touch (SPLIT) daysentitlement, then they and/or their partner may opt-in to the SPL system and take any remainingYou may wish to continue to keep in touch with weeks as SPL. This means their partner couldthe company during your shared parental leave begin to take SPL while the mother is still onand/or may want to have the opportunity of maternity/adoption leave. attending certain meetings, work related events or training courses. SPL allows parents to share the caring responsibilities evenly or have one parentIf you do wish to do this, you will, subject to the taking the main caring role, depending on theircompanys agreement, be able to attend work preferences and circumstances. Unlike maternity/ and be paid accordingly for up to 20 days without adoption leave, eligible employees can stopthis affecting your shared parental leave and pay. and start their SPL and return to work betweenShould you wish to do this, please discuss with periods of leave with each eligible parent able toyour manager.submit three notices, booking periods of leave. What happens to maternity/adoption Media/paternity leave? Parents will remain entitled to take maternity,Any statements to the media, e.g. newspapers, adoption and paternity leave. However, an eligibletv, radio, internet, in relation to our business can mother or adopter may now choose to end theironly be given by the Chief Executive Officer or maternity/adoption leave early and opt into SPL. with prior approval from them.39'