b'Grievance procedure You should also state that it is a formal grievance. They will investigate the situation, consulting with If you have an employment-related grievance, youother members of staff where appropriate.should bring that grievance to our attention usingStage two - the meetingthe following procedure.The purpose of this grievance procedure is toYou will be invited to attend a meeting with your ensure that any problems you have are dealt withmanager (or a director) to discuss your grievance. promptly and resolved fairly. It aims to provide youThe meeting will be arranged as soon as possible with an opportunity to discuss the problem andon receipt of your grievance statement.find a mutually agreeable solution.You must take all reasonable steps to attend The time limits suggested may vary to allowthe meeting. If you or your chosen companion further investigation of a problem or because ofis unable to attend the meeting at the time work commitments. proposed, you should suggest an alternative date and reasonable steps will be taken to rearrange In many cases, problems can be resolved quicklythe meeting. The alternative date must not be through informal discussion. When a problemmore than 5 working days after the original occurs, your first step should be to speakproposed date.informally to your manager. They may need toWe will advise you when you can expect a speak to others who can help find a solution toresponse if one is not provided at the meeting the problem. If the problem cannot be resolvedand write to confirm our decision after the through this informal discussion, the followingmeeting. You will also be advised that you can steps should be taken. appeal against the decision within five working You may be accompanied by a work colleaguedays if you are unhappy with it.or Trade Union representative during anyStage three - appealgrievance or appeal meeting. You should advise the company who your companion is prior to theIf you are still dissatisfied with the outcome meeting. of the meeting, you have a right to appeal the We may use external mediators during thedecision. You must notify us of your appeal, in procedure where appropriate. And we reservewriting, within five working days of obtaining the the right to outsource appropriate support at anywritten communication of the outcome of stage stage of this procedure if it is deemed necessary,two. You should send your letter to the Chief including attending and/or facilitating grievanceExecutive Officer, together with copies of any and/or appeal hearings.correspondence that you want to rely on, setting out the grounds of your appeal.Grievance records will be kept confidential andWe will then arrange a meeting as soon as you will be given copies of meeting records.practical to discuss the problem and the action Stage one - statement of grievance taken so far. Again, this will be with a view to reach an agreement on how the problem can be resolved. You should formally write to your manager (or aYou must take all reasonable steps to attend director if the grievance is about your manager)the meeting. Where possible the appeal will setting out the problem and confirming anybe dealt with by a manager not previouslyactions you have taken to resolve the situation.involved in the case.28'