b'The reason for the disciplinary meeting (previouslyThe companion does not, however, confirmed in writing) will be restated at the starthave the right to answer questions on your behalf, of the disciplinary meeting. You will have anaddress the hearing without your permission, opportunity to put forward your case in respect ofor prevent anyone, including you, from making the allegations made. their contribution to the hearing.The company will summarise the main points Misconductafter discussion and check you have nothingfurther to add before adjourning to make aThe following are examples of behaviours likely decision.to result in disciplinary action:If matters come to light during a disciplinaryLateness/poor timekeeping/poor attendance meeting which require further investigation, we may, at our discretion, adjourn the meeting toPoor performance, including failure to maintain enable further investigation to be carried out. work standardsPoor attitude towards work We will not undertake any disciplinary action without first completing the above procedureRefusal to obey a reasonable instruction unless you are in your probationary period and we reserve the right to amend it for any employee.Neglect, damage and/or abuse of company Each stage of the procedure will be carried outfacilities/property resulting in damage or mess in a timely way.Repeated failure to provide appropriate We will keep records of any action takensickness absence documentation under these disciplinary procedures which will be treated as confidential. Rudeness to a client or supplier You have the right to appeal against any formalRefusal to wear protective clothing or personal action taken against you under the procedureprotective equipment and have the right to be accompanied at an appeal meeting. Interference with company plant or property Right to be accompanied Interference with any control mechanism not under your control In any disciplinary meetings under the procedure, including appeals, you have the statutory right toDisregarding safety instructions or safety be accompanied by a fellow worker or trade unionprecautions official of your choosing. You must advise us of who you have chosen as a companion,Infringement of company rules if you wish to have one, prior to attending any meeting. Disregarding warning notices The companion may address the hearingContinued use of company phones and/or to put forward your case, sum up your case,company computer equipment for non-work-respond on your behalf to any view expressedrelated mattersat the hearing and confer with you during the hearing. 21'