b'You will not harass any individual firm orInternet accessorganisation through the use or misuse of the companys electronics systems (for example,The network enables users to access the internet the use of e-mail for gossip, jokes or theand this access is intended as a business tool.submission of any pictures or stories including those which are harassing, demeaning orWhilst we do not prohibit personal use on the offensive to any individual or group)workstations, it should only be used reasonably and sensibly as we do allow access outside If a message is sent to you in error, thenworking hours.you must redirect it to the sender as soon as practicable. If the message containsHowever, even when accessing the internet confidential information, then you must notoutside of working hours you must exercise disclose or use this information in any way. Ifreasonable judgement as to what internet usesuch a message is received, you must informis appropriate in a workplace environment.your manager Employee use of the internet is subject to You should not type messages entirely inmonitoring, and we reserve the right to bar capital letters. IF YOU WRITE IN CAPITALS,or restrict the use of such sites that we IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT YOU AREconsider inappropriate.SHOUTING! You are not permitted to access any sites which You should stay in touch by remote accesswe consider inappropriate, including access when travelling and use an out of officefor personal use. Accessing or circulating response when away from the office for moresuch material will be regarded as an abuse of than a day IT facilities and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal without notice will be taken in Misuse of the companys electronic systems forsuch circumstances.transmission of any material in any of the following categories will constitute gross misconduct,This includes (but is not limited to) the following entitling the company to dismiss you withouttypes of website:notice or pay in lieu of notice:Adult entertainmentDefamatory DrugsOffensive or obscene (including theRacism / hatedissemination of obscene or pornographicSexmaterials) MilitancyInsulting or threatening ViolenceMalicious Bulletin boards Racist, sexist or otherwise discriminatory NewsgroupsProtected copyright material User groupsBlogging (please refer to the blogging We may at any time withdraw the provision forand social networking section within this you to use the companys electronic systems forhandbook)personal use e.g. e-mails. Any other internet service of any kind resulting in unauthorised cost to the company35'