b'Should you need to accompany dependants These are: to appointments (for example, to take a child to the GP), you must use your annual leaveYou cannot under any circumstances use entitlement, take unpaid time off or make upcompany systems to participate in any internet the hours not worked. Please agree any suchchat room, post messages on any internet absences with your manager. message board or set up or log text or information on a blog for non-business-related reasons, even in your own time AttendanceYour duty of confidentiality to the company and time keeping applies to blogging and social networking. As such, you are prohibited from revealing any confidential or proprietary information, trade Attending work regularly and punctually is essential.secrets or any other material deemedto be confidential You should be ready to start work at the designated time. Persistent absenteeism andYou cannot at any time engage in blogging lateness may be dealt with using theor social networking that may harm or tarnish disciplinary procedure.the image, reputation and/or goodwill of the company and/or any of its employees or Youll find your hours of work detailed in yourcustomers or which is detrimentalcontract of employment. to the companys interests If you need to leave work early or have timeYou cannot at any time attribute personal away, you must ask your manager. Failure tostatements, opinions or beliefs to the do so will lead to your absence being recordedcompany when engaged in blogging or social as unauthorised and unpaid and may lead tonetworking. If you express your beliefs and/or disciplinary action. opinions in blogs or social networking sites, you may not, expressly or implicitly, represent yourself as our employee or representative Blogging and social networking Apart from following all laws pertaining to the handling and disclosure of copyrighted We define blogging as writing a personal onlinematerials, company trademarks, logos and any journal that is frequently updated and intended forother company intellectual property may not public consumption. We define social networkingbe used in connection with any blogging or as sharing your personal interests and emotionssocial networking activity in an online forum with like-minded individuals. We reserve the right to routinely monitorWe have rules around blogging and the use ofall users to ensure rules are being complied social networking sites, whether using your ownwith, to investigate wrongful acts or comply or the companys property and systems.with any legal obligationAny breach of these terms is likely to result in disciplinary action. A serious breach of this policy may be considered as gross misconduct warranting summary dismissal.11'