b'your contractual notice, to assist us in planningIf you feel that your job is causing you undue our workforce requirements. stress, you must speak with your manager and discuss ways of addressing the situation. We If you choose to work beyond the state pensionwant to help employees suffering from stress but age, you should be aware that the non-contractualcannot help unless we are aware of the problem.group risk insured benefits, of income protection, If actions taken fail to reduce the levels of stress, life assurance, private medical cover andthen it may be appropriate to discuss a change permanent health insurance will no longerof job and/or duties on either a temporary or be provided to you. permanent basis. Any change of duties on a permanent basis would result in an appropriate adjustment in pay to the rate for the new position.Right to searchIf you suffer with a mental health condition, we encourage you to disclose your situation to your We reserve the right to require you to submitline manager, in order that your line manager is your person or property or locker to beingaware of your needs and can support you. This searched while on company and/or clientcould be depression, anxiety, PTSD, post-natal premises, or at any time at the reasonabledepression, bipolar or any other.You do not have requirement of the company. to go into personal details and could just focus on the requirements of your job i.e. whether any reasonable adjustments are required. You should Smokingconsider how and when to disclose, how much information you want to give and what kindof information.To provide a safe and healthy environment for all our employees and visitors, we prohibit allThe potential benefits of disclosure are:smoking on our premises or in any of our shared company vehicles. You can smoke outside theIt could make it easier for you to go to work at building providing appropriate caution is takentimes when your symptoms are greater to avoid any fire risks or breach of our health and safety policy. If you are found to be in breach ofIt enables you to receive the support of this policy, you will be subjected to disciplinaryyour line manager and other colleagues, as action which may result in your dismissal. disclosure allows This also applies to e-cigarette products. Keeping it secret may be too stressful Being open can encourage others in theStress andsame situation emotional wellbeing It gives you a stronger basis for requesting adjustments to work or the work environment At times, work can become too stressfulIt gives us the opportunity to find out more(either on a temporary or permanent basis) and atfor you and to possibly signpost you to certain times in peoples lives, their tolerance ofspecialist supportstress fluctuates. 44'