b'As a general rule, what you do after normalConfidential informationworking hours and off-company premises is a personal matter and does not directly concern the company.Working with us may give you access to secret or confidential information regarding However, there are some exceptions to this rule. our affairs and those of our clients, customers and business associates including, without limitation, For example: information concerning our products, technical operations, processes, methods of working, At office parties, office drinks events or othercustomers, suppliers, trade secrets and work-related social occasions or gatherings,financial status.whether organised by colleagues orthe companyWhile you are employed and after employment with us, you shall not use any confidential At social occasions or gatherings organisedinformation (save for the benefit of the company by customers or clients where you have beenand in the proper performance of your duties); invited in your capacity as our employeeand you shall not, without the companys prior written consent, disclose, divulge or communicate At work-related conferences or training anddirectly or indirectly to any third party, any development eventsconfidential information.Nothing in this clause shall restrict or limit your rights under the Public Whilst you are working away on business Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (whistleblowing legislation).On these occasions, you are expected to be moderate if drinking alcohol and to behave inImmediately on termination of your employment, an appropriate, mature and responsible manner.you will return to us all equipment, documentation If you are driving, ensure you are well withinand data in your possession belonging to us, the legal limits. including documents (computer data or copy), abstract, summary or prcis thereof, made or If you are found to have harassed or verballyobtained by you in the course of your employment.or physically abused or assaulted another employee or a customer or business contact of the company at such an event, or if you bringConflict of intereststhe reputation of the company into disrepute, you will be subject to disciplinary action.The company has a detailed policy on this Depending on the circumstances, such behaviourwhich all employees should read and may be treated as gross misconduct and couldacknowledge annually.render you liable to summary dismissal. See also conduct and outside interests . If your off-duty conduct seriously undermines theData protectiontrust and confidence that the company has in you, and/or brings the companys name into disrepute,We keep employee information for legal purposes whether at a work-related social occasion or(e.g., for payroll), for administration purposes and otherwise, this could result in your dismissal. for the purposes of day-to-day management. 15'