b'In some cases, we may collect personal dataOperate and keep a record of employee about you from third parties, such as referencesperformance and related processes, to plan supplied by former employers, informationfor career development, and forfrom employment background check providers,succession planning and workforce information from credit reference agencies andmanagement purposes information from criminal records checks that are permitted by law. Operate and keep a record of absenceand absence management procedures, to Data will be stored in a range of different places,allow effective workforce management and including in your personnel file, in the companysensure that employees are receiving the payHR management systems and in other IT systemsor other benefits to which they are entitled (including our email system).Obtain occupational health advice,Why does ECDC process personal data? to ensure that we comply with duties in relation to individuals with disabilities, meetWe need to process data to enter into anour obligations under health and safety law, employment contract with you and to meet ourand ensure that employees are receiving the obligations under your employment contract.pay or other benefits to which they are entitled For example, we need to process your data toOperate and keep a record of other typesprovide you with an employment contract, to payof leave (including maternity, paternity, adoption, you and to administer any employment benefitsparental and shared parental leave), to allow like pension or life assurance. effective workforce management, to ensure that we comply with duties in relation to leave In some cases, we need to process data toentitlement, and to ensure that employees are ensure we are complying with legal obligations.receiving the pay or other benefits to which For example, we must check every employeesthey are entitled entitlement to work in the UK, to deduct tax, to comply with health and safety laws and toEnsure effective general HR andenable employees to take periods of leave. business administration In other cases, we have a legitimate interest inProvide references on request for current/processing personal data before, during andformer employees or for mortgage after the end of the employment relationship.applications Processing employee data allows us to:Respond to and defend against legal claimsRun recruitment and promotion processes Some special categories of personal data, Maintain accurate and up-to-date employmentsuch as information about health or medical records and contact details (includingconditions, is processed to carry out employment details of who to contact in the event oflaw obligations (such as those in relation to an emergency), and records of employeeemployees with disabilities).contractual and statutory rights Operate and keep a record of disciplinary and grievance processes, to ensure acceptable conduct within the workplace 17'