b'8.00am to 4.30pm, 9.00am to 5.30pm, orNever allow anyone else to use your IT or give 10.00am to 6.30pm.You are expected toaway the passwords, even if they are a family carry out work and be available during yourmember or friend selected working pattern If an employee is unwell, please follow the The company will not financially contribute toabsence reporting procedure, i.e. an employee any household bills associated with runningshould not feel that as they are already at home, the domestic property (e.g. electricity, gas,they should/could work. The test is that if the etc).However, HMRC allows you to claim employee would not come into the office,tax relief for working from home (even where then they cant work at home either it is only a few days per annum)Employees must have other childcare inFurther information can be found at place whilst they are working at home, i.e.https://www.gov.uk/tax-relief-for-employees/ they cannot effectively do both. This also working-at-homeapplies to other caring commitmentsAs we cannot give advice on tax, please doIf an employee is working from home, it will seek independent advicebe expected they are at their home address, but if on any day (or part of a day) they will be If an employee is relatively new to theworking from elsewhere i.e. at a second home organisation or has been moved to a newor at a client location they should ensure their role, there may be a requirement to work morediary is updated and their manager is aware. frequently from the office to support them inThis is for health and safety reasons this; their manager will discuss and organise this with themMake sure you take breaks and work safely and effectively at homeIdeally, meetings in the office will not start before 10am and will not finish after 4.30pm Health & wellbeing when working from home A few basic working from home principles: There are some simple steps employees can take to reduce the risks from display screen work Employees cannot work from home if they do whether you are at home or in the office:not live in or intend to be out of the UK, due to data protection issuesConsider having a commute to work whereby you go for a short walk prior to starting work Employees must have a quiet space withand do the same at the end of the day a desk/table to be able to work safely and comfortably. If they do not, then they shouldBreak up long spells of on-screen work with speak to their manager about working at therest breaks (at least 5 minutes every hour) or office full-timechanges in activityits easy to miss this so put your alarm on to remind you If an employee lives with others or has visitors to their home (or where they are working),Ensure you are sitting correctly at any table/they should ensure that any documentation ordeskthe UK HSE website has some good information can be locked away and take careinformation on this with conversationsto ensure we all comply with Data Protection Avoid awkward, static postures by regularly changing position32'