b'Appeals DrivingIf you are dissatisfied with the decision of While we do not provide company transport, your disciplinary hearing, you can appeal you may be asked to drive for work. against the decision. Appeals should be made in writing setting out the reasons for theIf you are, the following applies: appeal and delivered to the Chief Executive Officer within five working days of the disciplinaryThe vehicle being used should be roadworthy, decision. We will then invite you to an appealtaxed and safe to drive and you should holdmeeting, which will normally take place within fivea current and valid driving licence working days. At the appeal meeting, you have the rightThere should be the relevant insuranceto be represented by a work colleague or tradein place, e.g. for business mileage. union official. We accept no responsibility for loss and/ordamage to you/your vehicle or any 3rd party The appeal meeting can take place after as a result of using the private vehicle on the disciplinary decision has taken effect. company business For all cases, including dismissal, where possibleYou can claim a mileage rate for anythe appeal will normally be heard by a director orbusiness mileage at the rate specified ina nominated deputy who was not involved in thethe expenses policy original meeting or decision. You must not consume alcohol or drugs Wherever possible, the appeal decision will beprior to or during the course of driving.communicated to you orally and in writing withinInfringement of this rule may result inthree working days of the hearing. An appealdismissal and is also a criminal offence might overturn, uphold or reduce the originalYou must not use your mobile phone without disciplinary decision. The decision of the appeala hands-free kit while driving. If you dont have hearing is final. access to a hands-free kit, you must ensure Warnings are held on file and are live for athat the vehicle is safely stationary and engine specified period of time, however they remain onswitched off when making or receiving calls file ongoing. You must comply with the Road Traffic Legislation in force at the time. Dress code If you are found guilty of a criminal offence committed while driving on company business, Common sense is required regarding your attireyou will be personally liable for any fine or and appearance and should take into accountpenalty levied both ECDCs image and level of interaction you have with customers or clients.Please take care to dress professionally and appropriately for the circumstances when attending a client site and/or meeting.Office dress is smart casual, but you should ensure that it is still appropriate.25'