b'Reporting absence Any unauthorised absence must be explained and failure to do so may be treated as a and sickness disciplinary matter.If you are unable to attend work because ofFor absences of longer than 4 weeks, sickness or injury, you must contact your manageryou wont accrue holiday unless you are as soon as possible and by 9.30am. statutorily entitled.You will need to tell us:If you suffer with any mental health conditions, youll find more help and information in the stress The reason for your absence and emotional wellbeing section. When you expect to return to work Return to work interviewsIf an absence lasts longer than one day, you mustWe reserve the right to hold return to work let us know daily or at agreed intervals.interviews to discuss the circumstances If you are absent for a long period, well keep inof your absence.touch with you at regular intervals to check yourCertificationprogress and help in any way we can. That might be by calling you or visiting you at home.You must complete a self-certification form If you have persistent illness or absencefollowing any absence from work due to sickness (for example, for more than 4 weeks), we mayor injury. You can get a form from your manager ask to approach your GP/health professionalwho will also authorise the absence. to get a better understanding of your situation.If your absence is likely to exceed seven Or we may need you to see a GP/healthconsecutive days (including weekends professional of our choice, at our expense,and holidays) you must consult your GP to get an independent assessment. and obtain a medical certificate/fit note If you are away for a long time or areon the 8th day.repeatedly away for short periods, and after theseYou can get a fit note from your GP, Registered consultations or investigations, we decide that it isNurse, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist unlikely you will be able to return to normal work,or Pharmacist. It should confirm their opinion we may reconsider your employment.of the reason for your absence and must be If you are absent from work and have a fitforwarded to us immediately. note from a GP or health professional, we retainIf further certificates are needed, they must be the right to refer you to Occupational Health toobtained when the previous medical certificate establish whether you are fit to participate in aexpires and submitted in the same way.formal hearing. Even if you are signed off from work, you may still be deemed fit to participatePlease note it is your responsibility to ensure in disciplinary proceedings. you forward these certificates to your manager If you intend on taking holiday whilst on sicknessin a timely manner, i.e. by the time the previous absence, please let your manager know.certificate expires. 08'