b'Bullying andOffensive verbal or practical jokes harassment Exclusion from normal workplace conversation or social eventsBullying and harassment are unwantedUnfair allocation of work and responsibilities behaviours that are offensive and cause emotional or physical harm. Offensive graffiti or insigniaNot only is it unacceptable to us, its unlawful. Display or electronic transmissionPlease remember that people interpret bullyingof offensive materialand harassment differently and what may bePhysical attack acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another.Incitement of others to commit anyIn short, they are both defined by how the personof the abovefeels and not by what the alleged bully or harasserAs well as the behaviour referred to above, sexual, intended. The critical test is whether the conductreligious or racial harassment may include: causes distress to the recipient, not whether it might be offensive.Suggestive comments, sexual innuendo and Most importantly, everyone is entitledfoul language or expletives of a sexual nature to be treated in a manner acceptable to them,Unwelcome advances, attention,and everyone has a responsibility to respectinvitations or demands for sex the feelings and sensibilities of others.We prohibit harassment, retaliation andUnnecessary and unwanted victimisation of any kind. physical contact Harassment, victimisation and bullying Indecent assault and rape may include: Abusive comments about racial originsDerogatory name-callingand skin colour, racist insults and jokes Derisory remarks, verbal abuse, Ridicule of an individual on culturalinsults and threatsand/or religious grounds Ridicule or belittling of an individualCirculating lewd emailsRepeated gibes in referenceto personal traits or appearance12'