b'In the event of termination of your employmentThe remainder of the time can be working from through either resignation or dismissal, we willhome. We consider it important that there compensate you for any accrued but untakenare set days of the week that people are in holiday entitlement outstanding on the terminationthe same location to allow natural interaction, of your employment at the rate of 1/260th (prospontaneity and face-to-face meetings whilst rata for part-time) of your annual basic salary forcreating variation from the use of video calls.each accrued but untaken day of holiday. If youThere are some roles where the requirement have taken more leave than has accrued to you atwill be to work more days per week in the the time you leave employment, you must repayoffice and individuals will be advised of this. to the company the excess holiday pay paid toFor part-time employees, as there will be a you at the rate of 1/260th (pro rata for part-time)number of variables, the principles will be of your annual basic salary for each days holidaydiscussed individually based ontaken in excess of your entitlement. your circumstances When possible, a member of every sub-team Hybrid working should be present in the office on all days If you prefer, you can choose to work in the We operate a hybrid working policy. For ease ofoffice 5 days a week/for all of your contracted reference, these are the definitions we use: hours Office workingis where, due to the needs ofWhere there is a requirement to work more or an employees role, they have to work from thedifferent days at the office for a business need, office at all times. either for a particular week or period of time, your manager will advise you of this with at Office/homeis where an employee works partleast 1 weeks notice of the week in the office and part of the week from home on a regular basis. If you need to amend the days in the office in a particular week, you can ask your manager Flexible workingis where an employee hasand if there are others in the office (for H&S made a formal flexible working request to workreasons) on the day wanted, it will normally be differently to that required for their role, the formalagreed. If an employee wants to amend the process has been followed and agreement isdays in the office permanently, then a Flexible given. Please refer to the flexible working sectionWorking Request should be made under that for further details.legal right Key principles: Starting times at the office and home can be between 8-10 am but, so we can plan and The requirements of the role people hold andensure employee safety, the time you start the delivery of what is needed is paramountshould be agreed with your manager and and should always be the first considerationmaintained; It is important that we all know who is working when and so consequentlyFrom September 5th 2022, employees will beit is not variable on a daily or weekly basisrequired to work in the office 3 days a week (and at least one Monday or Friday per week). As above, if there is an individual or company This is to ensure we have time to collaborate,need to change it for a particular day, this can to communicate, to build team dynamics andbe a local agreement with the manager).occasionally have some fun together. Working patterns available are therefore31'