b'If the grievance relates to a disciplinary matter,Giving you the information, instruction, training notes of the content of the meeting will be takenand supervision necessary for your health and and signed by everyone present at the meeting.safety A copy of these notes will be placed on your personal file.We will also:After the meeting, we will write to you informingAssess the health and safety risks and put you of our decision. control measures in place All decisions arising from the meeting will be Draw up a health and safety policy.Allfinal and there is no further right of appeal withinemployees must read the policy and sign to the company. this effect Appoint someone competent to helpwith health and safety responsibilitiesHealth and safety(Safety Officer) The Health and Safety at Work Act placesSet up emergency procedures general duties for health and safety on all people at work - employers, employees and self- Provide first aid facilities employed people. Make sure that your workplace satisfies Both individuals and organisations can behealth, safety and welfare requirements in prosecuted for breaches of the act.areas including ventilation, temperature, lighting, toilets and rest facilities All employees have a statutory duty to observe all health and safety rules and to take all reasonableMake sure that work equipment is suitablecare to promote the health and safety at work ofand is maintained themselves and their fellow employees. Take precautions against danger from sources Set out below are our main duties and obligationssuch as flammable or explosive hazards, as your employer, together with details of whatelectrical equipment, noise, radiation, and we expect from you.incorrect manual handling As your employer, our duties include: Provide health surveillance which allows for early identification of ill health and helps Making your workplace safe and without risksidentify any corrective action needed to health Provide and maintain safety signs Making sure that the plant and machinery are safe and safe systems of work are set andReport certain injuries, diseases and followeddangerous occurrences Ensuring articles and substances are moved,As an employee, you must:stored and used safely Take reasonable care of your own health and Providing adequate welfare facilitiessafety and that of others who may be affected by things you do at work29'