b'The content of an e-mail message is subject to allTo help with that, you are asked to: applicable laws relating to copyright, defamation, data protection, public records, discrimination,Change your password at regular intervals harassment and pornography.Keep your password confidential at all All e-mail attachments received from outsidetimes: you are not permitted to divulge your the company must be treated with the greatestpassword to any other individual, including suspicion as they may contain a virus, irrespectiveyour manager, other than for a specific of the originator of the material. While all systemsrecovery action if there is a system failure should operate virus protection software, this is not guaranteed to identify all viruses. If youRemember that unauthorised usesuspect that an e-mail message or attachmentof a password will be treated as amay contain a virus, please advise the IT Helpdisciplinary matter Desk immediately. Do not open or download any such attachments without prior authorisation. The following rules apply when sendingelectronic communications:All data and information sorted or processed on our systems or transmitted within or from theYou must take care in all correspondence company is the property of the company and mayas it is subject to the same rules relating to be accessed or monitored by the company forits disclosure in any court action as written any lawful purpose. correspondence. Adopt the same standards as are required for any other writtenWe retain access to and reserve the right tocompany correspondence retrieve and review information during audits of its systems. You should have no expectation ofMessages are to be concise and directedprivacy when using the companys electronicto those individuals with a need to know and communication systems. We reserve the rightgeneral messages to a wide group should to retrieve the content of messages for theonly be transmitted wherepurpose of:absolutely necessary Monitoring whether the use of the e-mail If you send a libellous message, you are liable or telephone system is legitimatefor the damage caused to the reputation of the individual or organisation concerned To find lost messages or to retrieve messages lost due to computer failureOur electronics systems shall not be used for personal gain (including any personal business To assist in the investigations of wrongful actsuse) or for the breach of any of the companys employment policies (for example, this will To comply with any legal obligation include the creation of any e-mail which could result in a hostile or offensive working You are responsible for the security of yourenvironment based on race, sex, religion or user account and e-mail facility and you mustbelief, sexual orientation, age, disability, gender not allow access to your workstation by anyreassignment, pregnancy and maternity, unauthorised individuals. marital or civil partnership status or any other personal characteristic) 34'