b'Get up and move or do stretching exercisesemployment, you are required to returnany such material.Avoid eye fatigue by changing focus or blinking from time to time If you live alone and are not likely to IT and systems see anyone, consider a walk to a local shop /park so you can have interactions withThe intent of this policy is to ensure that all someone elseemployees are aware of the proper and legal use of the companys computer systems and data. This includes but is not limited to the use of PCs, laptops, the internet, emails, telephones, personal Insider dealing digital assistants (PDAs), voicemail, copiers, scanners and CCTV. This list is not exhaustive.If in the course of your duties you are in possession of unpublished price sensitiveAll employees have a responsibility to use these information relating to securities of clients orresources in an efficient, effective, ethical, and other companies, you are prohibited under thelawful manner.Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985 of dealing in any such Securities on a recognisedTo protect the integrity of the companys Stock Exchange or pass on such information toelectronic communications and data, you must any other person. This would also constitute grossabide by the following regulations.misconduct under our Disciplinary Procedure.Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. The Director of Operations and Project Intellectual property Management has overall responsibility for the IT network but there is an IT Help Desk which is your You must promptly disclose to the company andfirst point of contact for any problems.keep confidential all inventions, copyright works, designs or technical know-how conceived orYou should familiarise yourself with the made by you alone or with others in the coursefollowing information on the authorised use of your employment. You will hold all suchof the companys computer network and intellectual property in trust for the company andother resources:will do everything necessary or desirable at our expense to vest the intellectual property fully inProcedurethe company and/or to secure patent or together appropriate forms of protection for the intellectualYou should use our electronic communications property. Decisions as to the protection orsystem in a responsible, effective and lawful exploitation of any intellectual property shall be inmanner. Whilst we dont prohibit personal or the absolute discretion of the company. non-work-related use of the system, all users must remember it is intended for use as a business tool All written material, whether held on paper,therefore emails and telephone calls (personal electronically or magnetically, which was and business) can be monitored and accessed made or acquired by you during employment, isby the company.We cannot allow your personal our property and our copyright. At any time, onemails to affect the successful operation of the demand and/or at the termination of your email system. We provide access for personal use outside working hours.33'