b'Bringing the company, its name, employees,Stage 1 - written warningand/or customers/clients into disrepute, including making false statements about We may issue a stage 1 warning if your conduct any of these or performance does not meet our standards. This list illustrates the type of conduct thatYour immediate manager or a nominated normally merits dismissal for a first offence;deputy may issue a stage 1 warning.If, as a however other types of offence, such asresult of a disciplinary hearing, the manager deliberate unlawful discrimination may bedecides to issue such a warning, they will treated as gross misconduct, depending onadvise you of the following:the seriousness of the case.The reason for the warning If the company is satisfied, following investigation and a disciplinary hearing, thatThat it is the first stage of ouryou have committed gross misconduct, we willdisciplinary procedure normally dismiss you without notice or pay in lieu of notice. In certain circumstances, demotionThe action or improvement (if any)or suspension without pay may be used asrequired of you alternative measures.The timescale for implementing any such Possible outcomes of a disciplinary meeting action, if appropriate For certain first offences, disciplinary action mightThe consequences for you of not be considered more appropriate than dismissal.implementing the required action or ofIn such cases, we may issue a formal warningfurther misconduct to you, which may be a written (stage 1) or final warning/disciplinary suspension (stage 2)When the warning will cease to have as appropriate. effect, subject to satisfactory conduct or performance. This will normally be after six Depending on the seriousness of the misconductmonths, but a longer period may be stated in or poor performance or your disciplinary record,exceptional cases stage 1 of the procedure may be omitted.The right of appeal, and who it should be Should a formal warning for misconductaddressed to, in writing within 5 working days be on file, any subsequent act of misconduct,of being advised of the warningif found, is likely to result in an escalation of the disciplinary procedure. That means that differentAll of these matters will be confirmed to youacts of unrelated misconduct could result in thein writing.procedure being escalated. This will not be the case, however, if the previous warning hasStage 2 - final written warning expired. As required, the company will always consider relevant mitigating circumstancesWe may issue a final warning if: presented by you during the disciplinary investigation or hearing before makingThe required improvement is nota decision. achieved within the timescale statedin a stage 1 warning 23'