b'Surveillance In this way, we all benefit and can support such a policy by the allocation of funds.ECDC reserves the right to monitor and/orInductionintercept telephone calls, email transmissions, internet usage and post where it feels that theAt the beginning of your time here, youll receive business tools provided are being used forbasic training to help you to become competent purposes other than business use. As such youquickly and to ensure you understand how should be aware that communications in the workwe work.environment may not remain private.Managers, through constant review and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is in operationassessment, have a responsibility to initiate 24 hours a day every day of the year on ourappropriate tuition and coaching to ensure that company premises to: each employee can attain the standards required by the job in a realistic time frame.Prevent and detect crime, this includestheft and criminal damagePerformance reviewImprove performance management, All employees are reviewed at least annually, to working practices and workflowsensure everyone is appropriately managed and performing satisfactorily.Assist with health and safetyTraining coursesMaterials or knowledge secured as a result of CCTV will not be used for any commercialAll managers in conjunction with employees will purpose and will be protected under the Datadiscuss, agree and formally record the objectives Protection Act. Warning signs have been placedfor each training course.at all access routes to areas covered by the CCTV and cameras are situated to ensure thatPayment and repayment of training they capture images relevant to the purpose forand subscription feeswhich the scheme has been set up. We will pay for training undertaken at our sole discretion. We will provide and pay for adequate Training andstudy material appropriate to the training.development If employment ends, other than through redundancy, individuals shall be required to Were committed to training you to fullyreimburse all or part of the cost of any course develop your potential and ensure that standardsor subscription fees paid (or reimbursed) by of competence are maintained. Please refer toECDC for training/development that was paid your contract of employment for training thatfor as a development need. Company required is applicable to your role.training, e.g. H&S will not be liable to repayment.Repayment will be as set out below:As well as our commitment, we ask you to make a similar commitment to your own development, through your attitude to the opportunities you may be offered, and your own investment in time and contribution. 45'