b'If you require access to a barred site for legitimateMaternity, business reasons, please speak to your manager.adoption, parental, We may withdraw access to the internet at any time. paternity & shared Downloading files from e-mail and the Internet parental leaveFiles downloaded from the internet or via e-mailWhen you have a baby, you have a number of present a risk due to the possibility of a computeroptions:virus and infringement of licensing or copyright laws. It is your responsibility to make sure that all1. Mothers/adopters can take a maximum of 52 files downloaded or received are in complianceweeks maternity/adoption leave (see Maternity with the following rules and guidelines and do notleave and pay section)cause any such infringements:Only download data appropriate to your2.As a partner, you can take a maximum of 2 business activities. All appropriate plug-ins toweeks paternity leave (refer to Paternity leave allow you to use the internet will be suppliedand pay section)by the company. You are not permitted to3.A mother and partner can share parental leave download plug-ins without the approval up to a maximum of 52 weeks if the mother/Do not install programmes downloaded adopter ends her maternity/adoption leave from the Internet without referring to the early (refer to Shared Parental Leave and Pay IT Help Desksection)You are not permitted to download material4.A mother or partner can take parental leave from the internet for personal use(unpaid) up to a maximum of 18 weeks up to the childs 18th birthday (refer to Parental You are not permitted to install copiedLeave section)software, hacked or port-scanning softwareSee also Emergency time off for dependants and Do not download, copy or transmit to thirdalso parental bereavement leave.parties the works of others without theirThe law and guidance reference various terms permission as this may infringe copyrightthis is what they mean: General Mother: the woman who gives birth to a child If you are in doubt about any of the above, pleaseAdopter: the adopter means the person who contact your manager. is eligible for adoption leave and/or pay as they Any abuse of the above may result in disciplinaryare legally adopting a child. They can be male or action, up to and including summary dismissal forfemale or non-binaryGross Misconduct. Partner: the childs biological father or the partner The company may lay down further rules orof the mother/adopter. This can be a spouse amend these rules. (husband or wife), civil partner; or a partner who is living with the mother and the child and has responsibility for the child 36'