b'That amount can be deducted from your finalConductsalary or other payment due to you.Laptop Security We ask you to demonstrate good standards of professional conduct and performance, If left in the office, laptops should be securedand that you carry out your duties effectively in a locked drawer or cabinet.and competently, with integrity and honesty,and with due regard to public safety. When travelling, do not leave your laptop and/or phone in a car. In general terms, you should: Maintain confidentiality both internallyCompassionate leave and externally Only undertake work that your education, In the event of serious illness or death of atraining and experience mean that you are close family member, we will be as supportivecompetent to perform. If the work is not ofas possible. this nature, always seek appropriateapproval and support That may be a spouse, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, mother-in-law orProvide work or services of a quality father-in-law.and scope, and to a level, which are commensurate with accepted standardsWe also recognise that every situation is differentof the role and so encourage you to speak to your manager to agree arrangements for compassionate leave. Disclose any interest, whether financialor otherwise, which is related to the workEveryone is entitled to one day of paid leave tofor which you have been employed and which attend the funeral of an immediate family member.may cause conflict. This applies to interestsAdditional leave must be approved with yourin any company, firm, organisation or withmanager. It may be taken as holiday, unpaid leaveany person or may be paid.Ensure your attire and appearance is suitable To attend a funeral of a close friend orand reflects positively on the company non-immediate family member, you can take the time off as holiday or unpaid leave. Maintain good relations with those for whom and with whom you work both within ECDC Parental leave legislation gives everyone the rightand with customers or clients to take two weeks leave if they sadly lose a child under the age of 18 or suffer a stillbirth afterRespect the property of the company and24 weeks of pregnancy.of other people If you have more than 26 weeks of continuousMaintain an accurate record of any business service, you are entitled to the statutory rateexpenses incurred and work completed via the for this two-week period. Otherwise, the leaveauthorised formswill be unpaid. In any case, please speak with your manager as we will consider company compassionate leave pay for this.14'