b'For example, if your medical certificate expires onIf you are absent from work due to an accident the 8th and you need to be signed off work for awhich occurred or a condition which was further period, you must attend your GP/healthsustained either on or off duty, any sick pay paid professional to obtain a further certificate by theto you for that absence is paid as a loan which 8th. you must repay if you recover damages from a third party in respect of your injury, condition or Your GP/health professional might indicateabsence from work.on your medical certificate that you are able to return to work on: Illness whilst on holidaya phased capacity If you become ill on holiday, you must let your altered hours manager know as soon as possible and in line amended duties with the reporting rules above.following workplace adaptationsIf you wish to reclaim a refund of your We will consider all proposed solutionsholiday allowance, you must also provide medical and discuss their suitability with you. If weevidence as soon as practicable for the entire can offer adjustments on your GPs adviceperiod of your incapacity.to enable your return to work, you must take all reasonable steps to accommodate this.Access to medical reports Failure to do so could lead to disciplinary action.In some circumstances, we may need to get a Please note, if a self-certification form is notmedical report from your GP/health professional completed or a medical certificate as appropriateto establish: is not supplied, this may impact on your sick pay arrangements. reason for and likely duration of absence when you will be able to return to work, and Payment during sicknesswhether the problem will recur what, if any, treatment is being prescribed Everyone is usually entitled to Statutory Sick Paywhether you can carry out all the duties(SSP) for a maximum of 28 weeks but there areof the job some exceptions.This is to enable us to plan and expert medical SSP is not payable for the first three daysopinion is essential to establishing your ability of absence. These are called qualifying days. to work. For the purposes of the SSP scheme, the agreed qualifying days are your normal days of work. Your rights under the Access to Medical Reports Act 1988 include that your GP/health You cannot undertake work for anyoneprofessional cannot submit the report to the else whilst receiving statutory, discretionary orcompany without your consent. You can also contractual sick pay. However, if it is agreed thatwithhold consent to the report being sought or undertaking work, whether paid or unpaid, whilstcan ask to see the report before it is forwarded signed off sick would aid recovery, you must to us. get express written permission from your manager beforehand.Any payment over and above SSP is made entirely at our discretion and is non-contractual.09'