b'Further misconduct or poor performance Further misconduct or poor performanceoccurs during the timescale of a previous occurs within the timescale of a stage 1warning, irrespective of whether this involveswarning, irrespective of whether this involves a repetition of the previous conduct ora repetition of the previous conduct or poor performance poor performance It is reasonably believed that you have The seriousness of the misconduct or poorcommitted an act of gross misconductperformance merits it, regardless of whether any previous warnings have been issued Unless dismissal is for gross misconduct, you will be dismissed with notice or pay in lieu of notice.Your manager or a nominated deputy may issue a final warning. If, as a result of a disciplinaryYou can only be dismissed by a director or a hearing, the manager decides to issue such anominated senior manager. If the decision is taken warning, they will advise you of the following:to dismiss you, the director will advise you of:The reason for the final warningThe reason for the dismissal /disciplinary suspension The date on which the dismissal takes effect The action or improvement (if any)required of you The appropriate period of notice The timescale for implementing any The right to appeal, and who it should be such action, if appropriateaddressed to, in writing within 5 working days of being advised of the dismissalThe fact that this is a final warning and that the next stage of the procedure will be dismissalAll these matters will be confirmed to you in writing.When the warning will cease to have effect, subject to satisfactory conduct orIn exceptional circumstances, we may seek your performance. This will normally be after 12agreement to demotion or other penalty as an months, but a longer period may be stated alternative to dismissal.in exceptional cases Such measures may include:The right of appeal, and who it should be addressed to, within 5 working days of beingA change of duties to avoid a repeat of the advised of the warning performance issues experienced and/or; All of these matters will be confirmed to you A demotion to duties which will endeavour in writing. to avoid a repeat of the performance issues experienced and/or; DismissalA reduction in salary/benefits commensurate We may dismiss you if:with a revised role, duties or an entirelynew positionThe required improvement is notachieved within the timescale stated in If appropriate, a final warning may also be issued a previous warningor continued in force.24'