b'The group pension scheme is available to Profit from employmentall ECDC employees. Any pension scheme we offer will meet the qualifying standards set by the Government. It is our policy to conduct all our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-Any pension scheme/contributions above thattolerance approach to bribery and corruption required by Workplace Pension legislation wouldand are committed to acting professionally, fairly be entirely discretionary and we reserve the rightand with integrity in all our business dealings to change, amend or withdraw any scheme or anyand relationships wherever we operate and part of it at any time. implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.We will uphold all laws relevant to countering Personal property bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate. However, we remain bound We do not accept any responsibility for lossby the laws of the UK, including The UK Bribery or damage to your clothing or personal items. Act 2010 (the Bribery Act), in respect of Handbags and valuables should be deposited inour conduct both at home and anya safe place. Any personal items that are found onundertaken abroad.the companys property should be handed into a manager. We have a detailed policy which is obtainable from the Directors Executive Assistant, and all employees must read and acknowledgePersonnel recordsit annually.It is very important that individual personal information (such as address, home telephonePublic dutiesnumber and/or mobile number, bank details and emergency contact names and numbers)If you are required to be a witness in court be maintained in your personnel files.or attend Jury Service, leave of absence willWhenever there are changes, please letbe granted.your manager know immediately.If you are summoned to attend Jury Service, you must notify your manager immediately on receipt of the Jury Summons, giving details of the dates Private health schemeyou are required to attend court.After you have satisfactorily completed theIf you are retained on Jury Service for a prolonged probationary period, you will be entitled toperiod, you have an obligation to notify us and join the companys private health schememust keep in regular contact throughout. You and life assurance cover subject to the rules ofmust return to normal working immediately the scheme. We may, at our absolute discretion,following your release from Jury duties.withdraw the scheme, vary the terms and detail, or vary the provider, at any time. You are required to complete the loss of earnings form provided by the Courts and are not entitled to payment for this time off as you can claim allowances (including travel and subsistence) from the Court.42'