b'Gross misconduct Smoking in prohibited areas There are certain actions that constitute misconduct serious enough to justify dismissalMisuse or consumption of company owned without notice or pay in lieu of notice. products, funds or propertyWe reserve the right to decide what constitutesInappropriate use of other employees cashgross misconduct. or property The following are examples of gross misconduct;Criminal offences against the company or however these are intended as a guide only andanother employee the list is not complete or exhaustive: Disorderly behaviour (including sleeping) likely Refusal to accept and act on reasonableto cause damage, injury or waste of resources instructions from a supervisor or other member of management Deliberate and serious contravention ofHealth and Safety procedures or any action Serious negligence that could or does likely to endanger your health and safetyresult in unacceptable loss, damage or injuryor any other person Fighting, assault or threatening/bullyingPossession, sale, transfer or use of anybehaviour and/or any violent actillegal drugs or other prohibited materials including alcohol (unless alcohol is so Theft, fraud or falsification of company provided by ECDC on special occasions)records or any dishonesty involving theon company property and/or duringcompany, our employees, customers orcompany activities authorised visitors or attempts to commitsuch offencesDeliberate harassment (including harassment on the grounds of sex, race, disability, age, Any act of fraud (e.g. working whilst claimingreligion, sexuality, sexual orientation and company sick pay, making false statementsother prohibited forms of discrimination) or on the application form, falsification of timedeliberate discrimination of any other member sheets, falsification of legal or companyof staff, supplier, client or third party documentation) Introduction of a computer virus through wilful Any act of corruption or bribery /careless disregard for company policy (e.g. offering an inducement to secure or facilitate business)Unauthorised absence of more than 5working days Deliberate or reckless damage to the property of the company, its employees, customers orFailure to comply with company policiesauthorised visitorson security Smelling of or being under the influence Failure to comply with the confidentiality of alcohol, being under the influence of clauses, e.g., disclosure of company illegal drugs or other prohibited materials processes and/or information to a third party on company property and/or duringcompany activities 22'