b'We do not expect you to drive on For example, the leave can be taken to:company business when excessively tireddue to working an extremely long day or havingDeal with a breakdown in childcareto get up exceptionally early (other than your allocated shift start time). Please speak to Put longer term care in place for childrenyour manager to discuss options so that or elderly relatives this situation does not occur Help a dependant who falls ill or is takenAny driver required to drive as part of their into hospitaljob description and who becomes disqualified from driving is required to notify their managerIf you fail to let us know the reason for your immediately. When driving is necessaryabsences as soon as is practical, you will lose to carry out normal duties, we will need tothe automatic right to time off. You must also consider the effect of the disqualification onlet us know how long you are likely to be absent. the employees ability to satisfactorily carryShould you not notify us the reason for your out their job. Where an employee loses theirabsence or if you are thought to have abused licence, their contract of employment may this right in some way, disciplinary action may be terminatedbe taken. Further information can be found at - Emergency time https://www.gov.uk/time-off-for-dependantsoff for dependants Equity, diversity If someone relies on you for care, you are entitled to take reasonable time off, without pay, to dealand inclusion (ED&I)with an emergency. Any time off should only be long enough to deal with the problem that hasWe are committed to equity, diversityarisen and sort out any longer-term arrangements,and inclusion.usually no longer than 1 day. Longer-term leave can be taken through other leave arrangements,It is our policy to treat all applicants, candidates, at our discretion.third parties and employees in the same way, regardless of sex, marital and/or civil This right to time off only applies when apartnership status, pregnancy and maternity, dependant (i.e. spouse, partner, child, parent sexual orientation, religion or belief, trans status or someone who depends on you for care (including gender re-assignment - whether e.g. elderly neighbour) is involved. proposing to undergo, is undertaking or has undergone the process), race (including colour, The person for whom you are taking time off mustnationality, ethnic or national origin),reasonably rely on you for help on a day-to-dayage and disability. basis or for making arrangements for them to be cared for and the incident or emergency must beThe ED&I policy applies at all times and should quite serious and genuinely unexpected.influence the way in which individuals treat their colleagues, clients, candidates, visitors, third parties and contacts. 26'