b'Training/courses: If appropriate, the third party is advised of the right of company employees to work in an During or within 12 months of the completionenvironment free from harassment of the training - 100% to be reimbursed If appropriate, you will be advised onBetween 12 and 24 months of the completionhow to deal with incidents that are violent, of the training - 50% to be reimbursed discriminatory or constitute harassment regarding a third party More than 24 months after the completion of the training - NIL Be advised of your right to contact the police for further action to be taken if you wish Subscription fees: Changes to the role are then considered Where you have been reimbursed for subscriptionif appropriate in order to remove the staff fees paid, these will be repayable based on themember from future exposure to this type of renewal date of the subscription as per the below:behaviour If subscription renewal date is 9-12 monthsAs a last resort the service/contract is after the end of employment - 100%removed from any third party in question removing the threat of negative behaviourIf subscription renewal date is 6-9 months after the end of employment - 50% If subscription renewal date is less than 6Wagesmonths after the end of employment - NILWages are payable in arrears every month. We may deduct any sums owed by you to usCurrently, wage payments are made, subject to under this paragraph from your pay or from otherdeduction for income tax and National Insurance, sums owed to you by us. and any other agreed deductions, by the last working day of each month by credit transfer into your bank or building society account.Violence at work You are entitled to an individual written pay statement, which will be provided for each pay If you become involved in an incident that is eitherperiod. The statement will show gross pay and violent or constitutes discriminatory or harassingtake-home pay, with amounts and reasons for all behaviour with a third party e.g. a member ofvariable deductions. Fixed deductions will also be public, you should: shown, with detailed amounts and reasons where applicable.Remove yourself from the confrontational situation and inform the third party to contact Basic salaries are normally reviewed annually on a Director of the company (if appropriate)the basis of merit, market rate and any appropriate industry standards, any associated increase Inform your managernormally becoming effective in March. We are under no obligation to make any increase to your The manager should investigate the incident,salary at this time, or at any other time.which may or may not involve written statements from each party and any witnesses46'