b'Co-operate with us on health and safetyHolidays Correctly use work items provided for your use, as per training or the instructionsOur holiday year is 1st January to 31st December.provided Everyone enjoys 6.6 weeks holiday each year. Not interfere with or misuse anything providedSo, if youre full-time (5 days per week) that for your health, safety or welfaremeans 25 days plus all 8 bank/public holidays. Report any safety concerns to your manager.If you are part-time, you can work out your holiday These could include, for example, trailing cables,entitlement by multiplying your weekly hours x 6.6; worn cables, worn or frayed carpets, slipperythis is inclusive of the 8 bank/public holidays.surfaces, broken glass or dangerous stacking Your holiday entitlement will start to Report any faults in machinery or equipment toaccrue from the first day of your employment. your managerAny absence of more than 4 weeks, unless for a statutory reason, e.g. maternity, will not accrue Report all accidents and near misses to yourholiday for the period over and above the Safety Officerstatutory holiday entitlement.Help us keep all emergency exits, stairs andWe also provide additional paid holiday days corridors free of obstructionsbetween Christmas and New Year which are set annually. For all holiday, you will need to take your Keep the kitchen and WCs as clean and tidyholiday entitlement at a time to be agreed with the as possiblecompany. Attend health and safety training and refresherYou must submit a holiday request to be courses, as provided authorised by your manager.Evacuation We will try to meet all reasonable requests for holiday but if this is not possible you may be You should make yourself familiar with evacuationasked to reschedule. We recommend you obtain procedures, details of which can be found in theECDCs agreement before you commit yourself Health & Safety Policy. to bookings or any other arrangements.If you discover a fire, you should immediatelyYou will not be entitled to carry unused holiday sound the alarm and notify the senior memberover into a subsequent year save in exceptional of staff present. circumstances when you may be permitted to carry over up to five days leave with the prior First aid consent of a director.All accidents must be recorded in theWhere you are sick whilst on holiday accident book which is located via the Directorsand wish to retain the holiday entitlement, Executive Assistant, along with the First Aid Box.you should follow the rules as set out under If you become ill at work and need medicalillness whilst on holiday within the absence attention, we will make arrangements to call section of this handbook. Failure to do so a health professional or call the emergency will entail the time is defined as holiday.services if necessary.30'