b'Harassment relating to disability may include: Employees will be protected from intimidation, victimisation or discrimination for filing a Unwelcome discussion of the effects of complaint or assisting in an investigation. a disability on an individuals personal life Retaliating against an employee for Refusal to work/study alongside a person withcomplaining about harassment or bullying a disabilityis a disciplinary offence. There will be a full investigation and action will be taken if the Communicating with a person with complaint is considered justified. This is likelya disability via a third partyto result in disciplinary action.Excluding a person with a disability or An allegation of bullying or harassment is who cares for a person with a disability froma serious one. An employee who brings a social events or meetings complaint of bullying or harassment will not suffer any victimisation for having done so but, Uninvited, patronising or unnecessaryshould their complaint prove to be untrue (and assistance with work/study the employee could not have a genuine belief it was true), malicious and/or made in bad faith, Prejudging an individuals capabilities withoutthen disciplinary action may be taken against the reference to them person making the complaint. This is necessary to protecting the integrity of this policy.Mischievous interference with personal aidsor equipment Company propertyIf you are a victim of minor harassment or bullying, you are advised to make it clear toIt is everyones responsibility to take reasonable the harasser/bully that you consider the behaviourprecautions to secure company property.unacceptable and request that they immediately stop the offensive behaviour.This includes locking away tools, drawers, cabinets and office doors where appropriate.This can be done orally or by a letter (if thisis done by letter, a copy should be sent toUse of company property for any purpose other the Chief Executive Officer). than normally defined duties is not permitted. Using company property in any other way may Your letter should state the name of the result in disciplinary action.harasser/bully, the nature of the harassment/bullying, dates and times when the harassmentWe can ask you to immediately return any occurred, names and witnesses of any incidentscompany property (including documents and keys and any action already taken to date by theto the premises) in your possession or control, at complainant to stop the harassment/bullying. any time, on demand, and with immediate effect.On termination of your employment, it is your If the harassment/bullying continues,responsibility to ensure that all company property you should take your complaint throughis returned in good repair. If it is not, you may be the grievance procedure.charged the equivalent of the value of the property or the cost of cleaning or repair.All complaints will be handled in a timelyand confidential manner.13'